About Forcite

The Mission

Forcite exists to provide a safer, more dynamic motorcycling experience no matter what or how you ride. We're collaboratively pioneering the industry’s newest and most advanced integrated technologies, without compromising that all important feeling of freedom.


Forcite is committed to the ongoing development of technological systems that bring the thrill of riding into the 21st century and beyond. Motorcycling is a multi-billion dollar industry with over 50 million vehicles sold around the world each year.

The industry will be valued at $US156 Billion by 2026*, and yet it has traditionally played second fiddle to automotive when it comes to technological innovation. Together with the collective riding community, we intend on changing that, and having a whole lot of fun in the process.

* according to MotoryclesData.com

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Enhancing the Essence

Riding a motorcycle is a visceral, tactile, cognitive rich experience. As a rider, when you earn the trust and respect of your motorcycle and vice versa, it becomes an extension of your senses, and seemingly your very being.

We’re striving to strengthen this bond, to bridge the gap between man and machine. Forcite technologies are designed to adapt seamlessly to your riding style, enhancing your situational awareness, and amplifying the essence of your unique riding experience.

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Preserving the Purity

The Forcite team have long been part of the community that we service. We understand, and carefully traverse the fine line between assistance and hindrance. Our systems are tried, tested and approved by thousands of riders of vastly varying style and experience. Motorcycling is for the bold, and carries an inherent risk.

These truths are at the core of why riding brings us such a feeling of freedom and liberation. Forcite allows riders to leverage the best available technologies to mitigate these risks at their own discretion, while maintaining the purity of the ride.

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